New Service: Introducing our Touch-Up Fit

One of our existing clients in the final position from her previous position—we thought there was more to gain

One of our existing clients in the final position from her previous position—we thought there was more to gain

As we've talked about before, bike fitting is a progressive process. Your body is changing all the time, hopefully in the direction of less pain, less restriction, and more fluidity. If you've been doing your clamshells and all the other body work that's necessary for any cyclist, you've been adapting to your bike position over time, becoming more and more comfortable (and remember: comfort = power = speed).

Eventually, you realize that your the position we gave you last year or the year before that is easy for you. It's no longer a literal and figurative stretch. Your body can accommodate more. The cycling position, whether on the road or on the TT bike, is adaptable, even though it's not natural. There will come a time when you think you can, well, do more.

That's where our new service, the Touch-up Fit, comes in. If you've worked with us before, we can offer you a Touch-up Session. This $149 option gets you a 90-minute session where we take your existing position and see if we can get lower in front and more comfortable in the saddle and arm cups. Those two changes will decrease your frontal area and increase your ability to generate power, resulting in faster bike splits for you. Yes, it IS possible to buy some speed. Above you can see one of our clients in her existing position, which is still pretty darn good. Check out her new position, below (Pro Tip: use the "Output Speedlab" sign on the wall behind her to see how much lower she is in the second picture).

You can see the entire “Speedlab” now—lower!

You can see the entire “Speedlab” now—lower!

Despite the drop at the front, our client still reported great comfort: she had adapted to her old position and could go lower. Already quick, she started reporting faster splits on her TT bike. Ready to book? Great. A few caveats:

  • We have to have seen you before for a full dynamic fit

  • The bike must be the same style of bike as your previous fit (Triathlon/TT, Road Bike, Cyclocross Bike, Gravel Bike, or Touring Bike—sorry, Recumbents)

We saw another client for a Touch-up Fit recently, and he was able to get 25mm longer in front, and 30mm lower. 3cm lower is a significant drop, and he, too, is reporting faster times on his bike with the same degree of comfort you'd expect from an Output Speedlab fit. Make the tweak before your spring and summer races, and go faster on the same effort.


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